Fortnite is celebrating Star Wars day on May 4 in the only way it knows how: By throwing all of its previous Star Wars shop items back into the game for two whole weeks. Along with the purchasable items, in-game weapons based on the galaxy far far away like the iconic lightsabers and blasters, now appear during battle royales.
Yes, once again players can deflect gunshots and attack in the Jedi way. These additions won’t be available just for Star Wars Day, but for two whole weeks until May 17. From tonight (May 3) until then, players can access the following previously released Star Wars skins.
- Imperial Stormtrooper
- Kylo Ren
- Zorii Bliss
- Finn
- Rey
- Sith Trooper
- Boba Fett
- Fennec Shand
- Krrsantan
These weeks of galactic celebration also include quests inspired by the long-running series. By completing special quests like confiscating a “landspeeder” (a vehicle) or using “Jedi contraband” (a lightsaber), players can unlock a special Empire banner and experience points. The quests are active starting now until the end of the Star Wars event on May 17 at 9 p.m. PT.
While all of the previous item shop Star Wars skins and outfits are returning, those that appeared in Battle Passes of the past won’t be showing up for the Star Wars event. This means anyone who’s expecting the Mandalorian and his Grogu add-on to reappear is going to be sorely let down.
Players can get in on all the Star Wars festivities in Fortnite from now until May 17. Just make sure you don’t try to pay for your items in Republic Credits. They need something more real.
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